Ybrid discrete harmony search ILS: Iterated regional search INSGA-II: Improved Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II MA: Memetic algorithm MABC: Modified artificial bee colony MHA: Metaheuristic algorithm MOMBO: Multi-Objective Migrating Birds optimization NEMO: Novel evolutionary multi-objective optimization NGA: New genetic algorithm NSGA II: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II ONSGA-II: Optimization Improved Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm PA: Polynomial-time algorithm PH-MOEAD: Problem-specific heuristics multi-objective evolutionary algorithm determined by decomposition. REMO: Evolutionary multiobjective robust scheduling SFLA: Shuffled frog leaping algorithm TF-HI algorithm Papers [62,63,68] [46,47,54] [40,57,66] [37,44] [21,55] [31,52] [61,64] [18,60] [29] [48] [72] [76] [19] [35] [53] [30] [65] [73] [74] [24] [56] [33] [27] [77] [69] [45] [25] [26] [28] [58] [43] [41] [20] [23] [36] [59]Other calculation schemes: Other formulations do not indicate belonging to a particular algorithm. The publications that propose this sort of answer are detailed in Table 9, with 16 papers or 25 .Table 9. Papers that propose other schemes to calculate the option.Designs 2021, five, 67 13 ofAlgorithm Papers MILMM: Mixed-integer linear mathematical model [32,42,491 Table 9. Papers that propose other schemes to calculate the solution. Mathematical model [38,67,79,80 MILP: Mixed-integer linear programming [71,78] Algorithm Papers Current convex linear mathematical model [34] MILMM: Mixed-integerprogramming procedures [32,42,491] CP: Mathematical model Constraint Programming [75] [38,67,79,80] MILP: Mixed-integer linear programming [71,78] TSM: Three-stage system [39] Existing convex programming approaches DSS: Integrated decision help system that combines mul- [34] CP: Constraint Programming ticriteria/AHP simulation and decision-making approaches: [75] [70] TSM: Three-stage technique Analytical Hierarchy Process/WAM: Weighted Aggregation [39] DSS: Integrated decision assistance program that combines Process multicriteria/AHP simulation and decision-making approaches: [70] IMM: Integer mathematical models [17] Analytical Hierarchy Process/WAM: Weighted Aggregation MethodIMM: Integer mathematical models [17]10. Software for solving the problem3.2.10. To solvefor Solving the issue Computer software the problem and verify that the objective is acceptable, programmTo solve the problem and was that the objective is proper, programming ware or statistical analysis confirm made use of. The percentage of use of every single Bromfenac web application is i application or statistical evaluation was applied. The percentage of use of every single software is indicated in Figure six; 16 with the publications do not indicate the system to test their in Figure six; 16 with the publications do not indicate the system to test their answer. In addition, the application was according according instance, C is example, On top of that, the application was grouped grouped to its base; forto its base; for a general C eral name that Visual C, C, C, name that includesincludes Visualor C. C, or C.Figure six. Application usedused tothe challenge. Figure six. Software to solve resolve the problem.As might be seen in Figure six, application such as IBM ILOG Cplex Optimizer V12.eight and As by Lindo Systems Inc(Chicago, IL, USA) have been applied to calculate the solution Lingo 18.0 can be noticed in Figure 6, software program for example IBM ILOG Cplex Optimizer V Lingo 18.0 by Lindo Systems Inc(Chicago, the prior characterization), or referred to as “other calculation schemes” (as i.