Formal evaluation, S.-H.S.; investigation, S.-H.S. and J.-E.K.; 25-Hydroxycholesterol Metabolic Enzyme/Protease sources, S.-H.S.; data curation, S.-H.S. and J.-E.K.; writing–original draft preparation, S.-H.S. and J.-E.K.; writing–review and editing, S.-H.S., J.-S.K., J.-S.S., and J.-E.K.; visualization, S.-H.S.; supervision, J.-E.K.; project administration, J.-S.S. and J.-E.K.; funding acquisition, J.-S.K., J.-E.K., and J.-S.S., All authors have study and agreed to the published version of your manuscript. Funding: This study was supported by the Sophisticated Technologies Center (ATC) Program funded by the Ministry of Trade, Sector and Power (MOTIE, Korea) (10077361, Integrated Technique for Dental Diagnosis, Treatment Simulation PSI (Patient Distinct Instrument) Design and style). Biochanin A supplier institutional Assessment Board Statement: Not applicable. Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable. Data Availability Statement: Not applicable. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they’ve no conflict of interest. The funders had no role within the design and style in the study; inside the collection, analysis, or interpretation of information; in the writing with the manuscript; or inside the choice to publish the outcomes.Received: 9 September 2021 Accepted: two November 2021 Published: 10 NovemberPublisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.Copyright: 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This short article is an open access post distributed under the terms and circumstances on the Inventive Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (licenses/by/ 4.0/).Coral aggregates which are extracted from sea islands are employed to fabricate concrete for island building. The utilization of efflorescent coral aggregates can properly save both time and expense concerning the transportation of aggregates from inland for the island. It can also effectively stay away from the problems of inconvenient aggregate stacking and storage, building constraints, and construction difficulties due to the narrow space on a sea island [1]. However, the water absorption of porous coral aggregate is higher, major to a higher water ement ratio. The high water ement ratio along with the poor strength on the coral aggregate cut down the bearing capacity of concrete. Relevant literature [1,2] states that to obtain a higher strength functionality from coral concrete, the dosage of cement wants to become improved to a large extent, which increases each the price of preparing the concrete and CO2 emissions. To improve the strength of coral concrete, most researchers have already been concentrating on altering the amount or sort of cementitious material elements. In order to strengthen the strength of coral concrete, researchers normally adopt methods for example adding auxiliary cementing supplies, reducing the water-to-binder ratio, and adding fibers [3,4]. The system of strengthening coral aggregates improves the strength and performance of coral concrete. As a porous material, coral aggregate has standard properties, which include high porosity and higher water absorption of porous materials. For porous components, surface modificationMaterials 2021, 14, 6784. 10.3390/mamdpi/journal/materialsMaterials 2021, 14,2 ofis an efficient way to boost their strength [5]. Researchers employed surface modification remedies to improve porous components, like lightweight aggregates and recycled aggregates, to properly enhance the general functionality of concrete [6,7]. Lots of researchers employed inorganic modification [7], organic modification [8], a.