Ter alkali of yields (Figure was a strong reduction was detected in alkali treatment, and

Ter alkali of yields (Figure was a strong reduction was detected in alkali treatment, and no further decrease was observed soon after enzyme was observed following enzyme PF-06873600 In stock strength of agar obtained therapy, and no additional reduce extraction. Despite the fact that the gel extraction. While the enzyme-assisted extraction was slightly reduce than that of agar by way of alkaline extraction, the gel strength of agar obtained enzyme-assisted extraction was slightly reduce than that of yield viaagar extracted enzyme-assistedagar Ethyl Vanillate supplier extractedagar was substantially higher than agar of alkaline extraction, the yield of extraction of enzyme-assisted extraction of agar that of agar obtained by means of alkaline extraction, indicating that enzyme-assisted pretreatment was substantially greater than that of agar obtained via alkaline extraction, indicating that could enhance the desulfurization efficiency of alkali and avert agar degradationand enzyme-assisted pretreatment could boost the desulfurization efficiency of alkali by high-strength degradation by high-strength alkali. avert agar alkali.ASulphate 3,6-AGbaa aA70Agar yield Gel strength Gracilaria loss rate b1000 a a a a 800 Gel strength (g/cm2)8 Sulphate content (Gracilaria loss rate Agar yield three,6-AG content 50 40 30 c 20 b 10 0 c Nature Alkali Acid Alkali extraction method Bleaching 0 b a bab b cNatureAlkali Acid Alkali extraction processBleachingBSulphate 3,6-AG a b50 aBAgar yield Gel strength Gracilaria loss ratea c b b baa8 Sulphate content (a40 3,6-AG content 40 Gracilaria loss rate Agar yield c6 a ac cdaaNatureEnzyme Acid Enzyme-extracted processBleachingNatureEnzyme Acid Enzyme-extracted processb a cBleachingCSulphate 3,6-AGb ca a aCAgar yield Gel strength Gracilaria loss price aaa8 Sulphate content (40 three,6-AG content material Gracilaria loss rate Agar yield abb cab b bccdedNatureEnzyme Alkali Acid Bleaching Enzyme-assisted extraction processNatureEnzyme-assisted extraction processEnzymeAlkaliAcidBleachingFigure 5. Cont.Gel strength (g/cm2)Gel strength (g/cm2)Mar. Drugs 2021, 19, 617 Mar. Drugs 2021, 19,1010 of18 ofD1Sulphate 3,6-AGca bD2a3,6-AG content aAgar yield Gel strengthab b8 Sulphate content (700c c500 400 300 200a b c dd dNatureAlkali Enzyme Enzyme-assisted Extraction of Gracilaria AgarNatureAlkaliEnzymeEnzyme-assistedExtraction of Gracilaria AgarFigure 5. Impact of pretreatment methods and green extraction technologies on the physicochemFigure five. Impact of pretreatment tactics and green extraction technologies around the physicochemiical properties of agar. (A1 ,A2 ) alkali extraction course of action; (B1 ,B2 ) enzymatic-extraction method; cal properties of agar. (A1,A2) alkali extraction course of action; (B1,B2) enzymatic-extraction method; (C1,C2) (C1 ,C2 ) enzyme-assisted alkali extraction course of action; comparison of three extraction technologies; naenzyme-assisted alkali extraction method; (D1,D2) (D1 ,D2 ) comparison of three extraction technologies; nature: a extracted with out pretreatment; note: note: different lowercase superscripts within ture: a sample sample extracted without having pretreatment; unique lowercase superscripts inside the precisely the same column indicate the important variations (p 0.05). similar column indicate the substantial differences (p 0.05).two.two.two. Effect of Pretreatment Procedures on the Whiteness, Transparency, Viscosity, two.two.two. Impact of Pretreatment Procedures on the Whiteness, Transparency, Viscosity, Dissolving Temperature, Gelling Temperature, and Melting Temperature of Agar Dissolving Temperature,.