Ry large training sets, HNF4- and CREB1, SVM training would
Ry large training sets, HNF4- and CREB1, SVM training would still be difficult. To make the training time more manageable, the training sets for these factors were under-sampled to a maximum size of 1000 genes. This is done independently for each of the 100 classifiers constructed for the TFs. Accuracy and Positive Predictive Value (PPV) is used as the measure of Tasigna molecular weight classifier performance. As defined here, Accuracy is the ratio of correctly classified examples to all example points in the dataset:Accuracy =TP + TN TP + TN + FP + FNof the new gene from the hyperplane, Platt’s method can be used to calculate an enrichment score (for each classifier) which can be used to rank the new prediction. Finally, the average is taken over all 100 Platt scores. Since the choice of negatives is random there will be fluctuations in the placement of the classifier in each training set. Using the WT1 classifier as an example, the genes lying between 0.45 and 0.55 (i.e., very near the classifier boundary of 0.5 have an average standard deviation of 0.21. Thus, these genes may find themselves on either side of the decision boundary depending on the training set used. By taking the average score over 100 classifiers, there is more confidence that a positively classified gene is actually a target according to the decision rule since a majority of training sets classify it as such. We also noticed that genes lying deeper in the positive domain (i.e., farther on the positive side of the hyperplane) have less ambiguity in their classification. Those with an average Platt score of greater than 0.95 have a dispersion of only 0.1, meaning that they fall beyond the 0.5 boundary in most or all training sets. Typically, if P > 0.5, a gene is classified as a positive, only for cross-validation purposes. In this paper we increase the Platt score cutoff to P 0.95 for actual predictions, in order to select only the highest quality targets for each TF. Feature rankings on each training set are saved and used to calculate the final ranks of each feature (see below). All SVMs for classification and feature ranking were constructed in Matlab [214] using the SPIDER [210] machine learning toolbox.Classifying new targets and prediction significance As described in [24] and applied in [213] the SVM can produce a probabilistic output. This is a class conditional probability of the form P(target is correct | SVM output), where “SVM output” refers to the distance from the gene to the hyperplane classifier. We refer to this output simply as the enrichment score and denote it using the upper-case P (e.g., P 0.95), while other statistical tests which output p-values are denoted in lower-case (e.g., p 0.01). The probability is calculated according PubMed ID:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27362935 to Platt’s method by fitting a sigmoid function to the SVM output using 3-fold cross validation. Thus, genes lying at a greater distance from the hyperplane on the positive side will have higher scores (i.e., more likely to be positive). This form of output makes sense, as one would expect genes falling deep into the positive region to be more likely targets.Where TP = true positive, TN = true negative, FP = false positive, and FN = false negative. PPV is the number of correct positive predictions to all positive predictions:PPV =TP TP + FPThe entire analysis pipeline is described in Figure 1, and closely follows that reported in [213]. Below is an outline for the procedure, which is modified from our previous work [213]: For a given TF : 1.