Years 7 years 92 years 138 years ASD ID ADHD Other Yes No If yes, service provider Public (HSE, Dept. Education and Abilities) Private Each n 30 57 1 1 10 21 27 16 15 78 7 1 3 26 63 16 7 3 33.7 64 1.1 1.1 11.2 23.6 30.3 18 16.9 87.6 7.9 1.1 three.4 29.two 70.eight 61.five 26.9 11.AgeDiagnosisCurrently in receipt of servicesNote. Abbreviations is usually read as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellectual disability (ID), interest deficit L-Norvaline supplier hyperactivity disorder, wellness service executive (HSE) along with the Division of Education and Abilities (Dept. Education and Skills).Table two. Summary Scores for SDQ Subscales (Existing and GUI), Satisfaction with Solutions, and Will-ingness to Engage in Telehealth.Subscale Emotional symptoms Present GUI Conduct problems Current GUI Hyperactivity Existing GUI Peer troubles Present GUI Prosocial behaviours Present GUI Total issues score Present GUI Total impact score (current) Satisfaction with services Willingness to engage in telehealth 22.91 eight.78 6.44 1.47 6.89 5.33 3.23 three.12 2.54 three.32 8 1 0 0 0 35 20.33 ten ten ten 3.81 eight.18 two.62 1.12 0 4 ten ten five.64 1.36 two.04 0.92 1 0 10 4.67 eight.29 three.73 2.09 1.59 two 0.33 10 8.33 3.36 1.82 1.87 0.98 0 0 9 4.67 five.62 1.87 two.52 1.ten 1 0 10 six Imply Standard Deviation Minimum MaximumNote. Abbreviations might be read as the current/post-COVID group (current) and also the Expanding up in Ireland group (GUI). Reduced score (00) indicating a negative response i.e., dissatisfaction with services and fewer pro-social behaviours.Disabilities 2021,The mean scores from the GUI dataset (n = 327) are also presented in Table 2. The imply summary scores for the GUI sample are as follows; emotional (M = 1.87, SD = 1.10), conduct troubles (M = 1.82, SD = 0.98), hyperactivity (M = three.73, SD = 1.59), peer issues (M = 1.36, SD = 0.92), and prosocial (M = 8.18, SD = 1.1.12). According to SDQ classification, GUI scores on all subscales are close to typical, with Posted inUncategorized