N and putative virulence genes which might potentially be directly or

N and putative virulence genes which might potentially be directly or indirectly regulated by idtr. We had previously studied these same genes in TIGR4 and found that they are Dimethylenastron differentially regulated in different anatomic sites in mouse models [6]. The expression of the selected genes was not markedly different between wild-type and the mutant in vitro but pronounced differences were noted during growth in vivo. Gene expression in Didtr was increased compared with wild-type in nasopharyngeal colonization and pneumonia, and was 80-49-9 web effectively unchanged during bacteremia for all genes except hemolysin. These results suggest that idtr does play a role in modulation of pneumococcal virulence. Based on these results we hypothesize that idtr contributes to repression of certain pneumococcal virulenceassociated genes at mucosal surfaces and is de-repressed during bacteremia, possibly as a function of iron availability. An irondependent transcriptional regulator has been previously associated with virulence in a type 3 strain in pneumonia and bacteremia models by signature-tagged mutagenesis [25]. This study extends these findings to nasopharyngeal colonization and suggests that iron may be an important signal with effects on genes involved with virulence.Sepsis results from systemic infection and the resultant systemic inflammatory responses [26]. The innate immune responses are critical inducers of sepsis syndrome in response to bacterial products and cellular components. Cytokines play a central role in regulation of the innate immune response and, therefore, in the manifestation of sepsis [27]. An exaggerated pro-inflammatory response which is the hall mark of sepsis is associated with high mortality both in humans and animal models. To uncover possible reasons for the improved survival of mice infected with Didtr we evaluated the host cytokine response. The concentration of 14 cytokines known to play an important role in invasive pneumococcal disease was evaluated in plasma and was found to be significantly decreased in plasma samples obtained from mice infected with Didtr as compared to TIGR4 infected mice. Most of the cytokines (Eotaxin, G-CSF, IFN-c, IL-1b, IL-17, MIP-2, KC, MIP-1a, RANTES, TNF-a, IL-12, MCP-1) that were tested are pro-inflammatory cytokines except for IL-10 which is antiinflammatory and IL-6 which has both pro [28] and antiinflammatory effects [29]. Recent evidence indicates that both pro and anti- inflammatory responses are simultaneously regulated even in early stages of sepsis [30]. Increased levels of all theRole of idtr in Pneumococcal InfectionsTable 1. Average plasma cytokine/chemokine concentration in mice infected intravenously with TIGR4 or Didtr.Cytokine/ Chemokine Eotaxin G-CSF IFN-c IL-1b IL-6 IL-10 IL-17 MIP-2 KC MIP-1a (CCL3) RANTES (CCL5) TNF-a IL-12p70 MCP-1 (CCL2)TIGR4 (n = 5) (mean ?SEM1) 8279.406403.70 9850.1260.0 14363.986396.73 201.93611.09 16585.776361.72 206.4365.14 12.9060.42 2039.22664.19 33583.0462178.31 755.39615.66 840.20616.76 194.5964.02 449.96617.79 63856.8561601.Didtr (n = 5) (mean ?SEM) 3691.576224.38 235.2268.83 3.7361.50 17.6764.14 4.2560.65 65.1766.47 2.1560.34 36.1660.0 180.06611.59 14.4763.44 39.0562.42 1.1060.20 8.8060.99 31.4666.P value,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.001 ,0.001 ,0.IDTR. Many of these gene products interact with host immune cells and contribute to pro-inflammatory cytokine responses and subsequent mortality.N and putative virulence genes which might potentially be directly or indirectly regulated by idtr. We had previously studied these same genes in TIGR4 and found that they are differentially regulated in different anatomic sites in mouse models [6]. The expression of the selected genes was not markedly different between wild-type and the mutant in vitro but pronounced differences were noted during growth in vivo. Gene expression in Didtr was increased compared with wild-type in nasopharyngeal colonization and pneumonia, and was effectively unchanged during bacteremia for all genes except hemolysin. These results suggest that idtr does play a role in modulation of pneumococcal virulence. Based on these results we hypothesize that idtr contributes to repression of certain pneumococcal virulenceassociated genes at mucosal surfaces and is de-repressed during bacteremia, possibly as a function of iron availability. An irondependent transcriptional regulator has been previously associated with virulence in a type 3 strain in pneumonia and bacteremia models by signature-tagged mutagenesis [25]. This study extends these findings to nasopharyngeal colonization and suggests that iron may be an important signal with effects on genes involved with virulence.Sepsis results from systemic infection and the resultant systemic inflammatory responses [26]. The innate immune responses are critical inducers of sepsis syndrome in response to bacterial products and cellular components. Cytokines play a central role in regulation of the innate immune response and, therefore, in the manifestation of sepsis [27]. An exaggerated pro-inflammatory response which is the hall mark of sepsis is associated with high mortality both in humans and animal models. To uncover possible reasons for the improved survival of mice infected with Didtr we evaluated the host cytokine response. The concentration of 14 cytokines known to play an important role in invasive pneumococcal disease was evaluated in plasma and was found to be significantly decreased in plasma samples obtained from mice infected with Didtr as compared to TIGR4 infected mice. Most of the cytokines (Eotaxin, G-CSF, IFN-c, IL-1b, IL-17, MIP-2, KC, MIP-1a, RANTES, TNF-a, IL-12, MCP-1) that were tested are pro-inflammatory cytokines except for IL-10 which is antiinflammatory and IL-6 which has both pro [28] and antiinflammatory effects [29]. Recent evidence indicates that both pro and anti- inflammatory responses are simultaneously regulated even in early stages of sepsis [30]. Increased levels of all theRole of idtr in Pneumococcal InfectionsTable 1. Average plasma cytokine/chemokine concentration in mice infected intravenously with TIGR4 or Didtr.Cytokine/ Chemokine Eotaxin G-CSF IFN-c IL-1b IL-6 IL-10 IL-17 MIP-2 KC MIP-1a (CCL3) RANTES (CCL5) TNF-a IL-12p70 MCP-1 (CCL2)TIGR4 (n = 5) (mean ?SEM1) 8279.406403.70 9850.1260.0 14363.986396.73 201.93611.09 16585.776361.72 206.4365.14 12.9060.42 2039.22664.19 33583.0462178.31 755.39615.66 840.20616.76 194.5964.02 449.96617.79 63856.8561601.Didtr (n = 5) (mean ?SEM) 3691.576224.38 235.2268.83 3.7361.50 17.6764.14 4.2560.65 65.1766.47 2.1560.34 36.1660.0 180.06611.59 14.4763.44 39.0562.42 1.1060.20 8.8060.99 31.4666.P value,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.001 ,0.001 ,0.IDTR. Many of these gene products interact with host immune cells and contribute to pro-inflammatory cytokine responses and subsequent mortality.