?00. 100. Stacy, V.; de Matteo, R.; Brew, N.; Sozo, F.; Probyn, M.

?00. 100. Stacy, V.; de Matteo, R.; Brew, N.; Sozo, F.; Probyn, M.E.; Harding, R.; Black, M.J. The influence of naturally occurring differences in birthweight on ventricular cardiomyocyte number in sheep. Anat. Rec. (Hoboken) 2009, 292, 29?7.Nutrients 2015,101. Bedi, K.S.; Birzgalis, A.R.; Mahon, M.; Smart, J.L.; Wareham, A.C. Early life undernutrition in rats. 1. Quantitative histology of skeletal muscles from underfed young and refed adult animals. Br. J. Nutr. 1982, 47, 417?31. 102. Tilley, R.E.; McNeil, C.J.; Ashworth, C.J.; Page, K.R.; McArdle, H.J. Altered muscle development and expression of the insulin-like AG-490 side effects growth factor system in growth retarded fetal pigs. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 2007, 32, 167?77. 103. Fahey, A.J.; Brameld, J.M.; Parr, T.; Buttery, P.J. The effect of maternal undernutrition before muscle differentiation on the muscle fiber development of the newborn lamb. J. Anim. Sci. 2005, 83, 2564?571. 104. Snoeck, A.; Remacle, C.; Reusens, B.; Hoet, J.J. Effect of a low protein diet during pregnancy on the fetal rat endocrine pancreas. Biol. Neonate 1990, 57, 107?18. 105. Vonnahme, K.A.; Zhu, M.J.; Borowicz, P.P.; Geary, T.W.; Hess, B.W.; Reynolds, L.P.; Caton, J.S.; Means, W.J.; Ford, S.P. Effect of early gestational undernutrition on angiogenic factor expression and vascularity in the bovine placentome. J. Anim. Sci. 2007, 85, 2464?472. 106. Langley-Evans, S.C.; Gardner, D.S.; Jackson, A.A. Maternal protein restriction influences the programming of the rat hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. J. Nutr. 1996, 126, 1578?585. 107. Leonhardt, M.; Lesage, J.; Dufourny, L.; Dickes-Coopman, A.; Montel, V.; Dupouy, J.P. Perinatal maternal food restriction induces alterations in hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis activity and in plasma corticosterone-binding globulin capacity of weaning rat pups. Neuroendocrinology 2002, 75, 45?4. 108. Brans, Y.W.; Kuehl, T.J.; Hayashi, R.H.; Andrew, D.S.; Reyes, P. Amniotic fluid in baboon pregnancies with normal versus growth-retarded fetuses. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 1986, 155, 216?19. 109. Oyama, K.; Padbury, J.; Chappell, B.; Martinez, A.; Stein, H.; Humme, J. Single umbilical artery Quinagolide (hydrochloride) msds ligation-induced fetal growth retardation: Effect on postnatal adaptation. Am. J. Physiol. 1992, 263, 575?83. 110. Cock, M.L.; Harding, R. Renal and amniotic fluid responses to umbilicoplacental embolization for 20 days in fetal sheep. Am. J. Physiol. 1997, 273, 1094?102. 111. Louey, S.; Cock, M.L.; Stevenson, K.M.; Harding, R. Placental insufficiency and fetal growth restriction lead to postnatal hypotension and altered postnatal growth in sheep. Pediatr. Res. 2000, 48, 808?14. 112. Cock, M.L.; Joyce, B.J.; Hooper, S.B.; Wallace, M.J.; Gagnon, R.; Brace, R.A.; Louey, S.; Harding, R. Pulmonary elastin synthesis and deposition in developing and mature sheep: Effects of intrauterine growth restriction. Exp. Lung Res. 2004, 30, 405?18. 113. Mitchell, E.K.; Louey, S.; Cock, M.L.; Harding, R.; Black, M.J. Nephron endowment and filtration surface area in the kidney after growth restriction of fetal sheep. Pediatr. Res. 2004, 55, 769?73. 114. Bubb, K.J.; Cock, M.L.; Black, M.J.; Dodic, M.; Boon, W.M.; Parkington, H.C.; Harding, R.; Tare, M. Intrauterine growth restriction delays cardiomyocyte maturation and alters coronary artery function in the fetal sheep. J. Physiol. 2007, 578, 871?81. 115. Merlet-Benichou, C.; Gilbert, T.; Muffat-Joly, M.; Lelievre-Pegorier, M.; Leroy, B. Intrauterine growth retardation leads to a.?00. 100. Stacy, V.; de Matteo, R.; Brew, N.; Sozo, F.; Probyn, M.E.; Harding, R.; Black, M.J. The influence of naturally occurring differences in birthweight on ventricular cardiomyocyte number in sheep. Anat. Rec. (Hoboken) 2009, 292, 29?7.Nutrients 2015,101. Bedi, K.S.; Birzgalis, A.R.; Mahon, M.; Smart, J.L.; Wareham, A.C. Early life undernutrition in rats. 1. Quantitative histology of skeletal muscles from underfed young and refed adult animals. Br. J. Nutr. 1982, 47, 417?31. 102. Tilley, R.E.; McNeil, C.J.; Ashworth, C.J.; Page, K.R.; McArdle, H.J. Altered muscle development and expression of the insulin-like growth factor system in growth retarded fetal pigs. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 2007, 32, 167?77. 103. Fahey, A.J.; Brameld, J.M.; Parr, T.; Buttery, P.J. The effect of maternal undernutrition before muscle differentiation on the muscle fiber development of the newborn lamb. J. Anim. Sci. 2005, 83, 2564?571. 104. Snoeck, A.; Remacle, C.; Reusens, B.; Hoet, J.J. Effect of a low protein diet during pregnancy on the fetal rat endocrine pancreas. Biol. Neonate 1990, 57, 107?18. 105. Vonnahme, K.A.; Zhu, M.J.; Borowicz, P.P.; Geary, T.W.; Hess, B.W.; Reynolds, L.P.; Caton, J.S.; Means, W.J.; Ford, S.P. Effect of early gestational undernutrition on angiogenic factor expression and vascularity in the bovine placentome. J. Anim. Sci. 2007, 85, 2464?472. 106. Langley-Evans, S.C.; Gardner, D.S.; Jackson, A.A. Maternal protein restriction influences the programming of the rat hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. J. Nutr. 1996, 126, 1578?585. 107. Leonhardt, M.; Lesage, J.; Dufourny, L.; Dickes-Coopman, A.; Montel, V.; Dupouy, J.P. Perinatal maternal food restriction induces alterations in hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis activity and in plasma corticosterone-binding globulin capacity of weaning rat pups. Neuroendocrinology 2002, 75, 45?4. 108. Brans, Y.W.; Kuehl, T.J.; Hayashi, R.H.; Andrew, D.S.; Reyes, P. Amniotic fluid in baboon pregnancies with normal versus growth-retarded fetuses. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 1986, 155, 216?19. 109. Oyama, K.; Padbury, J.; Chappell, B.; Martinez, A.; Stein, H.; Humme, J. Single umbilical artery ligation-induced fetal growth retardation: Effect on postnatal adaptation. Am. J. Physiol. 1992, 263, 575?83. 110. Cock, M.L.; Harding, R. Renal and amniotic fluid responses to umbilicoplacental embolization for 20 days in fetal sheep. Am. J. Physiol. 1997, 273, 1094?102. 111. Louey, S.; Cock, M.L.; Stevenson, K.M.; Harding, R. Placental insufficiency and fetal growth restriction lead to postnatal hypotension and altered postnatal growth in sheep. Pediatr. Res. 2000, 48, 808?14. 112. Cock, M.L.; Joyce, B.J.; Hooper, S.B.; Wallace, M.J.; Gagnon, R.; Brace, R.A.; Louey, S.; Harding, R. Pulmonary elastin synthesis and deposition in developing and mature sheep: Effects of intrauterine growth restriction. Exp. Lung Res. 2004, 30, 405?18. 113. Mitchell, E.K.; Louey, S.; Cock, M.L.; Harding, R.; Black, M.J. Nephron endowment and filtration surface area in the kidney after growth restriction of fetal sheep. Pediatr. Res. 2004, 55, 769?73. 114. Bubb, K.J.; Cock, M.L.; Black, M.J.; Dodic, M.; Boon, W.M.; Parkington, H.C.; Harding, R.; Tare, M. Intrauterine growth restriction delays cardiomyocyte maturation and alters coronary artery function in the fetal sheep. J. Physiol. 2007, 578, 871?81. 115. Merlet-Benichou, C.; Gilbert, T.; Muffat-Joly, M.; Lelievre-Pegorier, M.; Leroy, B. Intrauterine growth retardation leads to a.